0492A.ZIP 153754 ACE Computerised Ephemeris of astrological data 0492B.ZIP 113458 with good retrieval system (2 disks) 0880.ZIP 124123 Your own PLANETARIUM super display with star names etc. 0936A.ZIP 144128 ASTRONOMY Sky view,Optics,constellation view,storm view etc 0936B.ZIP 166302 ASTRONOMY (2 of 2) 1449.ZIP 83556 PLANSTAR astronomical almanac showing planets 1700-2100AD 1479.ZIP 311345 ASTRONOMICAL PROGRAMS SELECTION 2191.ZIP 235997 GRAVITY displays gravitational effects of planets 2392.ZIP 317888 SILICON SKY and STARVIEW astronomy programs 2569.ZIP 79670 ASTRONOMER'S DATABASE with 850 deep space objects 2817A.ZIP 299714 STARBASE star catalogue database with 9110 bright stars 2817B.ZIP 310361 STARBASE star catalogue database with 9110 bright stars 2817C.ZIP 241037 STARBASE star catalogue database with 9110 bright stars 2935A.ZIP 283551 DEEP SPACE 3-D Astronomical Observers Tool (1 of 2) 2935B.ZIP 353683 DEEP SPACE 3-D Astronomical Observers Tool (2 of 2) 3033.ZIP 109856 STARSIDE star map generator and celestial object tracker 3146A.ZIP 96721 MARS-14 astronomers' utility program (Disk 1 of 2) 3146B.ZIP 198115 MARS-14 astronomers' utility program (Disk 2 of 2) 3178.ZIP 252851 SKYCLOCK, UNIVERSE ANALYZER & MOON astronomy programs 3281A.ZIP 301460 SKYMAP high-precision celestial mapping program 3281B.ZIP 353812 SKYMAP high-precision celestial mapping program 3349.ZIP 200918 SOLAR solar eclipse prediction program 3419.ZIP 359844 ASTRONOMY LAB FOR WINDOWS stargazer program 4031.ZIP 269174 STARBASE FOR WINDOWS astronomy program 4099.ZIP 134270 OUR COSMOHOOD 3D astronomical viewing program H139.ZIP 685471 SPACE FLIGHT SIMULATOR with C source code H256.ZIP 743160 YALE STAR CATALOGUE comprehensive database of Bright stars H294A.ZIP 660795 THE NIGHT SKY identify stars,planets etc (1 of 2) H294B.ZIP 552657 THE NIGHT SKY identify stars,planets etc (2 of 2) H314.ZIP 1062672 SKYMAP astronomy program for Windows 3.1 H407.ZIP 551718 SKYGLOBE star gazer system + CIRCUMSPACE space flight sim